humpback whale
- n.座头鲸;驼背鲸

The thesis is mainly based on the bionics research and exploration of relevant knowledge of fluid dynamics , and is carried out further studies on imitating the humpback whale fin-type .
Japan set to break a decades-old moratorium on hunting the famed humpback whale during its largest ever scientific whaling program that sets sail for the South Pacific .
that a lost humpback whale calf separated from its mother could die within days ,
Forty tons of gleaming muscle , a humpback whale blasts out of the water near South Africa .
It 's called " lobtail " feeding : a humpback whale slaps the surface of the water with its tail .
A collision between a humpback whale and a boat off the coast of Baja , California left 3 people injured .
Photograph by David Doubilet Forty tons of gleaming muscle , a humpback whale blasts out of the water near South Africa .
A fisherman fishing just east of the Farallon Islands spotted a female humpback whale entangled in a web of crab traps and lines .
First prize went to Bryce Flynn of Woburn , Massachusetts who took this amazing shot ( above ) of a humpback whale feeding .
And comparing with standard fin-type pool experimental data under the same condition , we find that the imitating humpback whale fin stabilizer fin-type can provide more lift in the same angle of attack .
These special front edge prominent tubercles of the imitating humpback whale fin stabilizer can effectively delay stall and postpone boundary layer separation , thus improve capacity of the fin stabilizer to increasing lift or reducing resistance .
As they 're about to take a picture -- when a birthday girl starts to blow out her candles and a humpback whale jumps out of the water -- a pop-up appears to stop them : " Storage Full . There is no more room on your phone . "
This humpback mother whale still loves her freaky albino baby .
Some of the kinds of whales are the blue whale , the humpback , the gray whale , and the white whale .